Hangyalab at FENS Forum, Vienna

 At the end of June, our group attended the prominant FENS conference in Vienna, with a total of nine participants – Bálint Király, Írisz Szabó, Dániel Schlingloff, Victoria Lyakhova, Éva Gulyás, Réka Kispál, Annamária Benke, Patricia Karkusova, including myself – Balázs Hangya. We presented four posters, which attracted significant interest and provided us with some…

Naho Konoike’s talk and visit

On the 8th of September we invited Naho Konoike from Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior (Kyoto University) to gave us a seminar talk. Naho’s research group is interested in the brain mechanisms and regulations of emotion and mood. Their current researches focus on the primate emotional circuits for producing appropriate behaviors. She…

Review on model selection

Have you ever run into questions about the underlying statistics of your data? This is for you. Or do you think model selection is really far from your research? You will find out here why this is unlikely. Our review on Navigating the Statistical Minefield of Model Selection and Clustering in Neuroscience by Kiraly and Hangya.

Hangyalab at FENS Forum, Paris

Four of us attended the FENS Forum in Paris: Balint Kiraly, Vivien Pillar, Anna Velencei and me – Balazs Hangya. I felt it was an overly successful, fantastic meeting with very high quality plenary talks and super-exciting symposia. It was great to catch up with people after the long break. Our posters were highly attended,…

Visit and talk of Zsolt Viharos, SZTAKI

In the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory consortium, we work together with the group of Zsolt Viharos to harness the most advanced machine learning techniques for analyzing neuronal RNASeq data. Zsolt, together with Laszlo Hoang from his group, visited us, and Zsolt gave us a very exciting talk on their ongoing projects, including many cutting-edge industrial…

bye 2020

Despite all the bad news 2020 has brought upon us, the lab has published five papers – congrats to this amazing team! Some recent media coverage: https://elkh.org/en/news/novel-method-developed-at-koki-further-improves-efficiency-and-reliability-of-cognitive-experiments-on-rodents/ https://elkh.org/en/newsroom/magyar-kutatok-uj-eljarasaval-jelentosen-novelheto-az-agymukodes-jobb-megertesere-iranyulo-kiserletek-hatekonysaga/

Recent publications and media coverage

We have some exciting news on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons – there are two types of them! See our paper here. We also came out with a new method to localize mouse brain implants in vivo with a precision equivalent of histology, using CT-MRI fusion techniques borrowed from human surgery and radiotherapy. You can find…