Visit and talk of Zsolt Viharos, SZTAKI

In the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory consortium, we work together with the group of Zsolt Viharos to harness the most advanced machine learning techniques for analyzing neuronal RNASeq data. Zsolt, together with Laszlo Hoang from his group, visited us, and Zsolt gave us a very exciting talk on their ongoing projects, including many cutting-edge industrial…

bye 2020

Despite all the bad news 2020 has brought upon us, the lab has published five papers – congrats to this amazing team! Some recent media coverage:

Recent publications and media coverage

We have some exciting news on basal forebrain cholinergic neurons – there are two types of them! See our paper here. We also came out with a new method to localize mouse brain implants in vivo with a precision equivalent of histology, using CT-MRI fusion techniques borrowed from human surgery and radiotherapy. You can find…

Sanja Mikulovic’s talk and visit

Sanja Mikulovic from the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases at Bonn gave a seminar talk at 29 October in the KOKI entitled On motion and emotion – neuronal circuits underlying locomotion and aversive behavior in the hippocampus/medial septum system. Sanja is finalizing her post-doc work in the Remy lab and starting her independent group at the Leibniz…

Visit and talk of David Dupret

David Dupret from University of Oxford gave a seminar talk at 3 May 9:30 am in KOKI Lecture Room, entitled ‘Circuit dynamics of a memory representation within the hippocampus, and beyond‘. Summary: Hippocampal neuronal activity, described in terms of spatio-temporally organised spike discharge and rhythmic fluctuations of the local field potentials, supports information processing with…

ION-KOKI Joint Symposium

Institute of Experimental Medicine hosted the members of Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences in the framework of ION-KOKI Joint Symposium, held on 9-10 April 2019. Our group members have a great professional relationship with Yang Yang, assistant professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Purdue University College of Pharmacy. We were happy…

Visit and talk of Csaba Földy

Dr. Csaba Földy, assistant professor of Laboratory of Neural Connectivity (University of Zürich, Brain Research Institute) visited our lab and gave a talk in the IEM HAS, entitled ‘Cell Adhesion Molecules at the Intersection of Cell Type Identity and Circuit Connectivity:From Neurexin Isoforms to OLM Identity‘. Summary: Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) play critical roles in…

Marcus Stephenson-Jones’ visit and talk

Marcus Stephenson-Jones, Group Leader of Principal Components of Goal-Directed Behaviour (Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Bahevaiour) accepted our invitation to visit the IEM HAS and he gave a talk entitled ‘Genetically distinct ventral pallidal neurons encode the motivation for approach and avoidance’. Summary: A prominent trait of animals is their ability to predict reward…